Dietetics at EASY Clinic is not just about reducing body fat for aesthetic improvement, but primarily about the prevention of lifestyle diseases and optimizing tissue remodeling and healing.
Lifestyle diseases linked to diet are a true epidemic of our time and the leading cause of most deaths in developed countries. Atherosclerosis, elevated cholesterol levels, certain cancers, hypertension, gout, anemia, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, including diabetes and insulin resistance, as well as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), SIBO, and other conditions impacting health, well-being, and quality of life, are all issues addressed in the dietetics consultation.

Interestingly, to get rid of persistent knee pain, ongoing Achilles tendon pain, or recurring tennis elbow problems, one must usually first address one of the metabolic diseases mentioned above. Only then will the tissue receive proper blood circulation, nutrition, and oxygenation, and swelling, inflammation, and pain will subside.
Patients with injuries or those recovering from surgery can count on support during rehabilitation and their return to training.
The dietitian will order and analyze laboratory tests. After conducting a nutritional and medical interview, they will help set realistic goals and achieve them step by step, making you healthier and better prepared for everyday challenges.